On-line Adoration – Ushering in a New Era of Eucharistic Devotion
“I dare to summon the whole Church bravely to cross this new threshold, to put into the deep of the Net, so that now as in the past the great engagement of the Gospel and culture may show to the world ‘the glory of God on the face of Christ’ (2 Cor 4:6). May the Lord bless all those who work for this aim.”–Pope John Paul II, January 24, 2002
Increasing Devotion to Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament & Multiplying His Living Presence
The goal of on-line adoration is not to replace or minimize the hours spent in the PHYSICAL presence of the Blessed Sacrament, but rather to multiply them. Our mission is to bring the live electronic image of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament to those who can’t be physically present in Adoration, such as:
- The lonely and homebound, the sick and the suffering
- Business people who want the sacred to permeate their work day
- Catholics in remote areas who simply do not have access to an adoration chapel
- Devotees of Eucharistic Adoration who wish to multiply the hours they can adore our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament
In a time when vocations have been waning in some countries, many Catholics are starved for more access to the Eucharistic Presence of Our Lord. As Our Faithful Shepherd, we trust in Jesus to utilize technology to create a true multiplication of His Living Presence.
A New and Powerful Channel of Grace
The channel of grace opened up during on-line adoration can be likened to a phone conversation with a loved one. A friend and business associate describes the experience of his wife and her mother who lives in another country. The more frequent the phone conversations between them, the closer they become and the more they long to see one another again. So too is the effect of on-line adoration. These intimate and one-to-one exchanges between Our Lord and His loved ones strengthen the relationship between them, and leave us longing for the times when we can be physically in His Presence through Adoration and ultimately in Holy Communion.
A Powerful Channel for the Youth
It is no secret that the youth have embraced the Internet as a vehicle for communicating with friends, as a source of entertainment, and as an aid with their studies. For better or for worse, the Internet is here to stay and it is a big part of the life of our young people. The Pope looks to the current generation of young people to carry the torch to a new phase of renewal and evangelization. Savior.org will utilize the Internet to provide a powerful avenue for the youth to deepen their relationship with Christ, and to evangelize to their peers.
A Powerful Channel for the Aged, Lonely and Suffering
The favorite of Our Savior, the aging, lonely and suffering are those in greatest need of His Love. The on-line access available through Savior.org, provides new hope for these individuals stemming from the electronic access they can now have to the Living Presence of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament. The suffering will have new opportunities to unite their pain with the passion of Our Lord, yielding merits for their souls and the souls of others. The aged, free from the distractions of their earlier years, can now spend increasing hours in the presence of Our Lord strengthening their bond to Him during the twilight of their lives. And the lonely will benefit from the abundance of love and hope poured forth from this Most Faithful of Friends.
Technology is a wonderful thing if used to do God’s will. Join us at Savior.org in ‘taking back the Internet for Christ’.
Suggestions on How to Utilize Savior.org
On-line Adoration – Be with Our Lord, centered on Him wholly and completely. Sit in silence with Him – The Sacred Doctor of human hearts. Utilize some of the many on-line devotional aides to structure a Holy Hour with Him. Or pray your own favorite adoration prayers and meditations.
Liturgy of the Hours and Other Daily Prayers – Enrich your daily recitation of the liturgy of the hours and other daily prayer routines by conducting them in the presence of a live electronic image of Our Lord in the Most Blessed Sacrament.
Invite Our Lord into your day – In your office or at home conducting your daily activities, offer your work as a prayer to Our Lord. We offer a low-bandwidth feed for those who wish to maintain the live feed over an extended period of time, as well as a static image for those who cannot maintain a persistent connection (dialup users).
Family Rosaries – Say your family rosary in the Presence of the Blessed Sacrament on-line.
Saying Goodnight – Our children have quickly adopted a routine of wanting to ‘say goodnight to Jesus’ on-line. Before they go to bed, they will ask us to bring up the Blessed Sacrament online, then they will say their evening prayers and say ‘goodnight’ to Jesus as the last act before they climb into bed.
Reverence in Online Adoration
While Jesus is not neccessarily physically present with you when visiting the Blessed Sacrament on-line, one might still consider following the traditional Catholic expressions of reverence for the Most Blessed Sacrament.
When inviting Our Lord to be present as you work or complete some task, we recommend that you offer your own prayer – formally inviting Him to join you in this way, offering the work or task you are about to do as a prayer in complete communion with Him. So too should you offer a closing prayer when completing the activity – never forgetting or neglecting His Presence.