We Are All Called to be Saints
Vatican II reaffirmed the call of all the baptized to live lives of virtue and holiness. For holiness is not only the realm of religious and priests but of all the baptized.
By virtue of baptism, all the laity share in the holiness of Christ and thus share the responsibility of showing forth that holiness to the world.
Featured are some of the laity that have heeded their baptismal call to be shining beacons of the transforming grace of Christ to the world.
May they inspire you with their lives of heroic sanctity and enable you by their prayers to follow Christ more faithfully in your daily life.
- Blessed Isidore Bakanja
- Blessed Marguerite Bays
- Blessed Teresa Bracco
- Blessed Marcel Callo
- St. Margaret Clitherow
- Blessed Luigi Beltrame Quattrocchi & Blessed Maria Corsini
- St. Fabiola
- Blessed Antonia Mesina
- Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati
- Blessed Nikolaus Gross
- St. Helena
- St. Isidore the Farmer
- Blessed Bartholomew Longo
- St. Charles Lwanga and Companions
- St. Anne Lyne
- Blessed Ceferino Gimenez Malla
- Blessed Gianna Beretta Molla
- Blessed Elizabeth Canori Mora
- St. Manuel Moralez
- St. Thomas More
- St. Joseph Moscati
- St. Nonna
- St. Salvador Lara Puente
- St. David Roldán-Lara
- Blessed Carlos Manuel Cecilio Rodriguez Santiago
- Venerable Matthew Talbot
- Blessed Laura Vicuna
- Blessed Artemide Zatti